Whiteboard Animation


Whiteboard animation is actually deep thinking in disguise. It is creative story telling in its finest form; short attention-grabbing video using artwork to tell the story. Your story.

How does it work?

The words and pictures appear to be drawn spontaneously on what appears to be a whiteboard; unfolding before the audience’s eyes to market or explain an idea.

“Oh Look! Someone’s drawing!”

“Hey! This is fun to watch and I’m curious to see what the message is and how it will be relayed!”

Whiteboard animation facilitates a “flow state” in people – it is a visualization technique that not only invites but captures people to follow an idea or information through to its completion.

It can be a more powerful communication tool than mainstream videos. And more affordable too!

How can it be used?
• Sales Training Videos
• Product Sales Videos
• Demo Videos
• Instructional and Educational Videos
• Brand Building and Awareness Videos
• Fund Raising Videos
• TV Ads

Besides commercial purposes, whiteboard animation has been effectively used to share ideas about education, motivation, and social environments.

Whiteboard animation